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Cross Country 101


Practice:  We practice as a team, Monday – Thursday from 3:45- 5:15.  Practice begins at the track where we will stretch as a group and discuss the day’s workout.

What to wear to practice:

  • Wear what you are comfortable running in; most people wear shorts, running shoes and socks are a MUST.  Bring a towel to dry off with and a WATER BOTTLE. No WATER BOTTLE= NO PRACTICE for the day.

  • Make sure to remove all jewelry before practice.  Watches are ok.


How long is a Cross Country race?

  • A standard cross country race for high school is 5K which is 3.1 miles.

What is Cross Country?

  • Cross Country is held during the fall season and has one event for a runner that is a 5K race. The course for a Cross Country race will be on trails through woods and fields. The surface is usually natural, dirt or crushed gravel. It is not a hard surface.

How are Cross Country Meets scored?

  • The top 5 runners in each race for a school score points. The place that a runner gets in a race is the same number of points he/she scores for their school. This means the lower the score, the better. Then these 5 individual scores are added together for the team score. For example, if the top 5 runners out of our 7 Varsity runners come in 1st, 4th, 6th, 13th, and 20th, then our team score for that race would be 44 (1+4+6+13+20).

  • It is important to run your OWN race, but equally important for the TEAM to run their best as well.  

  • We can win individually and as a team.  


Meets-  We expect that all members of the team attend the meets.  If you are unable to run, you can help with timing, cheering and contributing to the general atmosphere of the meet.  Everyone needs someone to cheer them on!


What do runners wear to meets?

  • Runners wear their uniform to meets. You will find that many runners will sleep on the bus to the meet.  (Please label ALL of your clothing.)

  • Jewelry is not allowed with the exception of a watch.  Watches cannot be GPS capable.

  • Girls take note – wear hair bands, no hair clips or hard headbands.

  • For some meets, the uniforms must be EXACTLY the same.


What if a runner has an inhaler?

  • If a runner has an inhaler, he/she should run the race with the inhaler. Do not keep the inhaler in your bag at the tent.


What if a runner gets injured at practice or at a meet?

  • Tell the coaches as soon as possible.  Trainers from CHOA may be available at the school and emergency personnel are at meets.  If a runner gets hurt or feels too ill on the race course, do not enter course or touch runner (unless life threatening), let the runner decide to leave the race on their own. Entering the course can disqualify the runner.


Food and Drink throughout the season:

  • It is important to fuel your body with healthy foods.  You will be training intensely for weeks. Make sure that you are eating and drinking to make your body work for you.


Below are some DO’s and DON’Ts for runners before, during and after a race:

Thursday & Friday before a meet

  • DO drink plenty of fluid to hydrate your body all week long. Bring a water bottle to all your classes! It will be too late to try to hydrate on Saturday morning. Drink only hydrating fluids such as water and sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade. Avoid drinks with caffeine and a lot of sugar such as soft drinks.

  • DO have protein on Thursday nights!

  • DO have a high carb dinner after practice on Friday night. Pasta is a perfect choice.

  • DO put spikes in your shoes if you plan to wear spikes.

  • DO get your bag ready on Friday night so you are not rushing early Saturday morning when you are likely to forget something.

  • DO make sure all your XC items are labeled with your name – uniform, sportswear, water bottle, personal items, etc.

Saturday – Before the race

  • Do eat before the race; eat something light and at least 2 hours before your race time so your body has time to digest your food.

  • DO wear your XC uniform. There will be race officials at each meet and they require teams to have the same uniform.

  • DO NOT wear any jewelry with the exception of a watch.

  • DO NOT wear metal hair clips, hard headbands. Hair bands and ribbons okay.

  • DO make sure to bring your inhaler if you have an inhaler.

  • DO your warm up run and stretches with the team.

  • DO make sure you are at the starting line at least 15 minutes before race time for check-in.

  • DO line up in the appropriate starting box.

Saturday – During the race

  • DO run with your inhaler if you have one.

  • DO cheer on your team mates when you are not racing. Spread out on the course so you are not all in one place.

  • DO your BEST!

Saturday – At the Finish Line

  • DO stay in the order of finish as you move through the chute. If there are multiple runners crossing the finish line at the same time, listen to the race official who will be calling out who crossed first. There will be race volunteers to help you stay in order during the chute.

  • DO keep moving in the chute once you cross the finish line. DO take a place card at the end of the chute if given. Or take off chip from shoe (help is offered).\

  • DO keep walking around after your run and drink water.

  • DO help your fellow runners when they exit the chute if they need help walking.

  • DO collect ALL your personal items and help clean up the tent area.

  • DO help take down tent.

Sunday- Run-  you should take a leisurely run to keep your muscles fluid.

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